Why Parents Should Talk to Their Kids About Sex and Sexuality

Why Parents Should Talk to Their Kids About Sex and Sexuality

Why Parents Should Talk to Their Kids About Sex and Sexuality. It should be no secret that kids are heavily influenced by their parents. After all, they spend most of their lives around you and will pick up different habits that you have. As a result, it’s your responsibility to instill good values into your children, and this is where it helps to sit them down and speak to them about important life concepts.

One good example is regarding sex and sexuality. This is a topic that your children will eventually find out about, even if it means talking to friends or asking their teachers. However, we believe it’s a good idea to step in at an early stage to teach them about it before they have a chance to stumble upon it.

It’s an opportunity to bond

Why Parents Should Talk to Their Kids About Sex and Sexuality

When raising children, finding opportunities to bond with your kids is important for their development and your relationship with them. Your children want to know that you’re always looking out for them and that you’re not afraid of talking about difficult or unique subjects with them. You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to bond and teach your child about certain important concepts in life, so try to do it before they have a chance to learn from their peers.

But when exactly should you do it? Most children are exposed to information about sex and sexuality at a much younger age than you’d expect. This is especially true if you give them unfiltered access to the internet or television. While many parents do rely on the school system to teach their kids about sex and sexuality, it’s never a bad idea to start talking about it especially as your child’s body begins to develop.

Topics to cover with your child

Why Parents Should Talk to Their Kids About Sex and Sexuality

We believe that safety is one of the most important topics to cover. For instance, talking about contraception methods and sexually transmitted diseases will help them understand the dangers of having unprotected sex. However, they should also understand that regular unprotected sex with a partner is the most common way to start a family.

You also shouldn’t be afraid to answer questions that your child has, especially if an intimate scene appears on television. If your child’s school is teaching sex education, then you should ask your child about the topics they’ve covered and review them together. It’s also important that you help your child differentiate between the portrayal of sex in the media and real relationships. While it can initially seem embarrassing or awkward to talk with your child about intimate subjects like sex, it’s an essential part of their development and it ensures that they’re learning from a trustworthy source as opposed to just their peers.

Contrary to popular belief, teaching your child about sex and sexuality from an early age does not lead to promiscuity. With that said, we hope that you and your child can bond over discussing important topics in life to give them more experience and improve your family relationships.

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