What To Expect When Starting A New Fitness Routine
Been out of the fitness game for a while? It’s something we all have to face at some point. If you haven’t done a serious workout for a few years now, the idea of getting back into shape can be very intimidating.
But if your brain and body could really do with some regular exercise, it’s good to account for a workout routine in your usual schedule. It’ll take some getting used to, for sure, but it’ll be very beneficial for you.
And to ensure you’re setting yourself up for success here, we’ve got some things to keep in mind about your expectations down below.
Aches and Pains May Be Common
Warm ups and cool downs are essential for working out. They’ll stop your muscles from getting stiff and seizing, and your heart won’t go from zero to 100 in the space of a couple of minutes. Really, these actions make a fitness routine a lot more healthy for you.
But when you’re just beginning your routine, aches and pains will probably come anyway. After all, if you’re on your feet for a long time, even when doing various movements to shift your weight and exercise different muscle groups, they’re going to be aching after a long gym session. You’ll need to give your body time to get used to exercising.
Progress Will Be Slow
When you’ve been plateauing for a while, the moment you pick up exercise again, the pounds may seem like they’re dropping right off you. You may immediately notice your muscles getting strong and your joints feeling more supple. That’s all great, and it’s super motivating to feel.
However, it’s likely these results won’t last too long. You’ll experience them for a little while, but about a month or so in, things may peter off. But don’t worry – that’s also very natural.
The results of physical workouts are quite different to the results of treatments like semaglutide – which can also be used to supplement a fitness routine. They’re slower, they’re harder to make ‘gains’ in, and you’re going to need to vary the way you work out to ensure your body doesn’t get used to the effort you’re putting in.
You May Get Bored
This is the main killer of commitment to a fitness routine. Above not finding the time, and above not having the energy, a lot of people grow bored of working out day after day. Doing the same circuits every single time will make you feel tired of having to hit the gym or go for a run.
That’s why it’s crucial to switch the exercises you do. If you’re jogging one day, attend a dance class the next. If you’re strength training on another, make sure you’re trying out some Yoga the day after. Keep it going back and forth to stop your exercise mood from falling into bored stasis.
Starting a new fitness routine will have its challenges. Know them now so you can tackle them later.