3 Tips for Becoming a Better You. It’s a very rare person indeed who could honestly look at themselves in the mirror and say “Yep, this is as good as I can be, and I’m content with how things stand right now.”
It’s quite likely that no such person exists.
As human beings, we’re all driven to strive for self-improvement and to look for ways to maximize our potential in the world. In other words, we are always on the lookout for ways to be better versions of ourselves – and that’s why things like New Year’s resolutions hold such powerful sway over the public consciousness.
Without further ado, here are a few straightforward tips for becoming a better you.
1. Address and deal with any immediate consequences and problems that need to be dealt with
If you’ve been wandering down a bad path recently, or have just been afflicted by a bad turn of circumstance, there’s a decent chance that there is some “unfinished business” that needs to be dealt with or some form of “damage” that needs to be addressed and amended to the best of your ability.
Before you can get started on the road to a new you, you should take steps to deal with any immediate consequences and problems that need to be dealt with, particularly those which have occurred as a result of your actions in the past.
Dealing with all sorts of issues might mean contacting a law firm, or it may mean having a frank, honest, and apologetic conversation with someone.
2. Commit to changing your habits, and view each repetition of a habit as a vote for a new you
In his book, “Atomic Habits,” James Clear mentions one very powerful mental exercise that can help you to stick with positive habits that you are trying to entrench.
That is: you should view each repetition of a habit as a vote for who you want to be. So, if you want to “be fit,” or “be an athletic person,” each time you make it down to the gym for a training session you will be reinforcing that particular sense of identity.
By the same token, every time you do something that makes you feel ashamed, you are reinforcing a negative identity for yourself.
So, commit to changing your habits, and “vote” for a new you.
3. Re-evaluate the people you surround yourself with and the information you absorb
Whenever you are planning to make a positive change in your life, you need to keep in mind the impact of your environment, the people you surround yourself with, and the information you absorb.
Though we all generally like to think we are totally in control of our actions, there’s a lot of good evidence to suggest that you will come to mirror the behavior of your friends and acquaintances, at least on some level.
Likewise, if the information you absorb – whether from TV, society at large, or the Internet – is entirely negative, you can’t expect to feel particularly motivated or uplifted on an everyday basis.
Consider surrounding yourself with people you want to be more like, and pay attention to the information you absorb.