In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, much of the world has gone into lockdown. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you’re at home rather than work. In fact, you’re probably spending more time between those familiar four walls than you might have anticipated when you ushered in 2020. You may be working from home full-time or have been placed on furlough by your employer until the lockdown is lifted and life returns to normal. Still, at least this is a good time to make the most of your spring-cleaned home and slow down the hectic pace of life a little.
As stir crazy as you may be feeling right now, and as alluring as a return to normalcy may feel to you, we should all be asking ourselves one question. Which parts of “normal” are worth returning to? Because these recent weeks have shown us some ways in which a little change might just be good for us. For instance, you may want to rethink…
The businesses you choose to support
All over the world, we’ve seen businesses at their best and their worst in response to the global lockdown. Some businesses have done an exemplary job of protecting their employees’ jobs and helping them through this difficult time. Others, however, have unceremoniously let huge swathes of their workforce go without any support whatsoever, even encouraging them to seek employment elsewhere temporarily before coming back to them.
We’ll all need to vote for a more ethical form of capitalism with our wallets when all this is over, remembering who has looked after their workforce and who has left them out to dry.
Your gym
4 Things You Might Want To Rethink When The Lockdown Is Lifted. The good news for the fitness conscious is that there are all kinds of workouts that can be done from home to keep themselves fit, lean and healthy while on lockdown. Still, many will yearn for an opportunity to hit the gym. But were you ever really getting your money’s worth out of your old gym? Maybe now is the perfect time to look into an alternative that offers more for your money without keeping you locked into a restrictive contract. Why give more for less?
Your commute
Across the globe, we’ve seen a significant reduction in air pollution and more wildlife returning to our major conurbations, with fewer cars on the road and fewer people on the sidewalks. This may cause us all to wonder whether or not we should work from home even after this is all over, at least on a part-time basis. Or maybe we might want to ditch the car in favor of cycling to work, at least for a few days out of every week. If you’re enjoying the current cleaner, clearer skies, you might need to rethink your commute.
Your career
Finally, many of us will be reevaluating our careers and asking ourselves what we want and expect out of our jobs. When the gears of commerce return to their former speed, many of us might want to look into a new career or even consider the path of entrepreneurship. With many around us falling ill and tragically losing their lives, those lucky enough to remain unaffected are slowly realizing that life is too short to waste in a job that doesn’t give them the fulfillment they deserve.