4 Convincing Reasons To Give Up Your Car
Convincing Reasons To Give Up Your Car. Ask yourself this one important question.
Do you need a car?
It might be that you do, especially if you travel on a regular basis. But if you rarely use your car, and if you could manage quite well without one, then you might want to consider giving it up.
Here are just some of the reasons why.
#1: You will save money
When looking at your monthly bank statements, consider how much money you spend on your car. With fuel, tax, insurance, and possibly even maintenance costs adding up, consider where that money could have been better spent. So, rather than relying on a car to get you from A to B, consider other forms of transport instead, such as the bus, train, or even your bicycle. And for those times when you do need a car, consider borrowing one from a friend or family member, or consider the types of car you can book now at Burswood Car Rentals and similar places, and hire something instead.
#2: You will face less stress
Let’s face it; driving can be stressful. You will know this yourself if you have ever had to deal with road rage from yourself or another driver, if you have been stuck in rush hour traffic for an age, or if you have found yourself dealing with the aftermath of a car accident. If you didn’t have a car, you wouldn’t have to face such stresses, so if you don’t need to rely on your four wheels, get rid of it for the sake of your sanity!
#3: You will do your bit to save the world
Road transport is responsible for around a quarter of the world’s carbon emissions, and you become part of this equation every time you step foot into your car. Sorry for the guilt trip! To reduce your carbon footprint, you could use your car less, switch to an electric car, or give up your car entirely. With one less car on the roads, the world will become a slightly safer place, and you will have less need to feel guilty about the part you have had to play in damaging the environment.
#4: You will experience the health benefits
The more we rely on our cars, the less exercise we do, and the unhealthier we become. So, if one of your goals has been to keep fit this year, you might consider giving up your car for either the short or the long term to help you achieve your targets. By walking or cycling more, you will improve your physical health. And because of the fresh air you will be getting, as well as the added exercise, you will do much to improve your mental health too.
So, think about yourself and your own health needs. Then think about the health needs of your family. By using your car less or by giving it up, you will all start to benefit from the exercise you will be receiving.
So, what do you think? Could you give up your car? We have listed some very good reasons why you should so consider the option, even if it’s only for a short time.
Thanks for reading!