How to Help Your Kids Through a Divorce! Divorce isn’t easy for anyone. When there are children to think about as well, this can make it even more difficult. Children may not understand exactly what is happening or why it is happening, and you want to do the best you can to help them through this scary and challenging time. If you have no idea how you can help your kids through this situation, try not to worry too much. We have some ideas below to provide you with some helpful information, so you can figure out the best way to help your child through this.
Both Parents Should Still Be Involved
Your child loves both of their parents and even though you and your partner have decided not to stay together, it doesn’t mean that your children should not be able to see one of their parents just because one parent can’t stand the other one. It is important to remember that both parents have the right to continue to spend time with their children. If one parent is not letting the other parent see their child, for example, a mother is not letting the father see the child, then some resources can help with the father’s rights.
How to Tell Them
Having a conversation about your divorce with your children is not going to be easy, but it is something that has to be done. In terms of what to say, it will vary depending on the age of the child. You will want to be open and honest about what is happening. Another good idea is to have both parents present when you are telling them about it and to make sure that you tell the child that it is not their fault as well as prepare them for the idea that there will be changes.
Helping Kids After You Tell Them
After you have told your children what is happening, you want to be prepared for what to do next. Children can react in many different ways to the news that their parents will no longer be together, but make sure you let them know you are there for them and that whatever they are feeling is ok. You also want to convey to them that they can talk to you about what is happening when they feel that they are ready. They may have questions for you, so you also want to prepare for this possibility. Finally, make sure to let your children know that this is an ongoing conversation, so they won’t feel scared to bring it up again or ask more questions if they think of others later on.
Throughout the divorce process, things such as trying to keep a consistent routine and continuing to support your children are essential. If in the divorce process, you end up having to go through a custody evaluation, you can look into resources to find out helpful information for going through that process. Remember that although this is a difficult situation, you will get through it.