Tips To Give Yourself A Pedicure At Home. When your budget doesn’t quite cover a spa trip, be sure to try these four home-pedi tips.
1 . Prep Your Nails
First up, you need to prep your nails by taking off your old nail polish. Next, trim your nails with a nail clipper. Remember, you’ll end up with ingrown toenails if you cut the edges of your nails too deep. Lastly, use your nail file, shape your nails oval or square as you prefer.
2. A Relaxing Soak
Now it’s time to pretend you’re at the spa, fill a large bowl with warm water to soak your feet in. It’s a good idea to add a little Epsom salt, as this will soothe and soften your skin. You can also add some essential oil; lavender and peppermint are perfect for relaxation.
3. Moisturize & Exfoliate
Once you’ve had your fun with the foot soak, it’s time to dry off and use a moisturizer. Coconut oil is a top natural moisturizer to keep your skin smooth and hydrated. Next up, it’s important to exfoliate your feet to remove dry skin. Coffee beans are a superb exfoliator (but be sure to cover the floor as this can get messy)!
4. Paint it up
Now, all your feet need is a nice paint job, for some lovely non-toxic nail varnish brands try Zoya or Free Chemistry. Remember to apply a base coat to prevent your nails from becoming stained.
If you’re prone to ongoing problems with your feet, a pedicure may not be quiet enough. For further advice, see the following info about when to see a podiatrist (aka a foot doctor).