What To Be Honest About In Parenting
When it comes to parenting, you go through a lot of different things. Not only that but there’s so much that you learn, too. Over time, you experience so much in motherhood, that you get to take in a whole range of emotions. Now, some of them are great and you will find that you enjoy the process – but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, you may find that you are just not experiencing the best.
But that’s okay. Parenting involves so much and the best thing that you can do is, to be honest with yourself and others about your emotions. This can be hard but it will also be beneficial. Let’s take a look at some of the areas in which you want to be honest.
Feeling Guilty
To start with, you have to know that it’s okay to feel guilty. After all, mom guilt is real! If you feel guilty about working or wanting to work, it’s natural. Or maybe you feel guilty about the choices you make or your priorities? Well, all of us experience that at some point, and the more you open up about it, the better you will feel. It’s okay to talk about it – you will be surprised how many people relate.
Needing Help
From here, you may find that you often feel like you need help. But maybe you don’t want to admit it or talk about it. Again, this is something that we can all think about yet don’t always act on. Yet, asking for help isn’t a weakness, it can actually be a strength and allow you to get yourself back on track.
Wanting Some Me Time
It’s natural to want some me time. You can’t be a mom 24/7 – you have to be yourself too. And there’s no need to keep that quiet. Instead, you should think about vocalizing it so that you actually get the respite you need.
Wanting It All To Slow Down
It’s safe to say that some days you will wish that your kids could get through certain stages – especially when they are hard. However, that won’t always be the case. You will often think that you just want it to all slow down. So it’s a great idea for you to be able to capture it. Whether you look into baby photography options or keep a record yourself, it’s good to be able to document different times. And you can be honest about wishing it would all slow down.
Feeling Proud
But then also, you’re going to find that you do feel proud and a lot of happiness most of the time – and that’s okay. Sure, parenting is hard and it’s not easy all of the time. But, it’s okay to relish in it when things are going well. Because they do! And you will always feel like such a proud and happy parent. So be honest about the times you are enjoying and what’s going well. Just because your friends or family might be struggling, it’s okay to admit when things are going okay.
Originally posted 2020-08-27 17:10:01.