Its Time To Stop Letting People Take Advantage Of Your Good Nature. Being a genuinely nice person is something that should be celebrated. Sadly, there will always be several people ready to take advantage of you. Worse still, you’ve likely allowed them to get away with it for far too long. Now is the time to put an end to those problems.
Your first step is to identify the biggest culprits before taking the necessary steps to prevent any further problems. Here are four examples that deserve your full attention.
1| Friend & Family
Admitting that a loved one is taken advantage of you is tough. However, a little honesty goes a long way, especially when followed by a commitment to stand up for yourself.
Knowing when a relationship needs to end can be very liberating. Other examples include spotting a sibling or friend that borrows money and asks for favors without offering any in return. Essentially, any friendship or relationship should be mutually beneficial.
As you get older, you appreciate the fact that quality is far greater than quantity. A small circle of people that enrich your life is the answer. Every single time.
2| Employers
Your employer is the person that allowed you to earn money. As such, it’s natural that you may let the odd mishap slide. But you must not ignore mistreatment.
This can manifest itself in many ways. Whether it’s pursuing action after a work injury or seeking your entitled holiday leave or overtime pay doesn’t matter. Having the confidence to ensure that you are treated fairly in all situations will unlock huge rewards.
Another example is when you aren’t getting paid a suitable fee. A little research will show what people in your role expect to get paid. Don’t be afraid to seek the raise you deserve.
3| Companies
Most businesses will be quick to correct mistakes when it works in their favor. When it works in yours, though, they are often far less willing to make a noise. So, you’ll have to do it instead.
Service providers often sell excessive packages. Run a broadband speed test. Check your 4G usage. Understand whether your existing home insurance packages have you covered. This info will allow you to contact the suppliers and seek a customized plan to suit your needs.
If a company is unwilling to budge, don’t be afraid to take your business elsewhere. After all, the existing company isn’t that interested in your best interests.
4| Colleagues
Colleagues can take advantage of your good nature in many ways. One of the most common, though, comes from stealing your ideas. You must not let this happen.
Computer tech allows you to make a record of your ideas and input. Do this privately, and be ready to fight injustice when they try to take credit for your work. Or if you run a business, you should use copyrights to protect your innovations. Allowing others to profit is not an option.
There are plenty of additional situations where strangers can take advantage. Whether it’s at work, on the road, or at your child’s club events, stamp it out. You are strong.