Why Speaking About Health Issues Is Important. Everyone, sooner or later, will experience an issue with their health. This may be as immediate and unpredictable as a broken bone, or perhaps a long-lasting health condition that started in childhood and needs to be managed every single day. Of course, when these health issues occur, we may need to find a new normal, and this can be hard for some people. In this post, we hope to discuss the importance of talking about these experiences.
While communicating about an issue may not seem to be that important (as relating to others may not seem possible if they haven’t experienced it too), it’s something that we must partake in should we feel comfortable enough to do it. Speaking of our health issues is an important task, and can truly give us the space needed to get our feelings off our minds while also contributing to a more understanding culture of tolerance.
After all, we cannot help the conditions or health issues we experience to some degree, but we can change how we relate to them, and how we understand ourselves. With the following advice, you’ll see just how wonderful this process can be:
A Common Acceptance
When you speak about your health issues, you contribute to ideas of understanding, patience, and respect for one another. You also allow people without experience of your condition to shed ignorance and become more aware of the life you go through. For example, we may have many ideas surrounding what it’s like to have high-functioning autism, but it’s only when we speak to someone who may have this as part of their daily reality that we can begin to understand, dispel myths, and become a better friend in doing so.
Advice & Referrals
When you speak of your health issues, you may find that you are given advice that you had never considered before. Perhaps your friend swears by a certain cure for heavy headaches, convinces you to see a doctor, or refers you to the best spinal specialist. It’s this advice that can often help you look at your issue differently, or at least helps you think more conclusively about something. Without your initial effort of communication, this would likely never have been experienced, to begin with.
An Emotional Outlet
Speaking about the problems you have faced simply feels good. It helps you stop bottling up your emotions and instead lets you release them in the best manner possible. Yet, living with pain can be a hard thing to do, and it might be something you lament. Talking about it can help you feel infinitely better, and it also stops you from feeling as though you should be guilty of having those thoughts. In this way, you can heal with care and insight, and provided you are willing to listen to another, contribute to a healthier norm of mutual understanding.
With this advice, you’re sure to correctly and carefully speak about your health issues with strength.