Are You Drinking Too Much? Drinking alcohol is a common part of socializing or a way to unwind. As alcohol is so normal, it can be easier than you might think for a drinking problem to sneak up on you and start causing you health and happiness problems. If you’re concerned about your drinking habits, here are some signs to watch out for.
You Set Limits But Don’t Meet Them
You might have noticed that you get drunk quickly, or that you’re drinking every night. You might be deciding you stop after two drinks or not drink at all. However, by the end of the night, you’re drunk again and aren’t sure what went wrong. If you find yourself often going over the limits you’ve set yourself, then this is a sign that you’re losing control of your drinking.
Others Make Comments About Your Drinking
Your friends might not be making serious comments about your drinking, but maybe they make jokes about how much you drink. There might be some truth to what they’re saying. If you’re known as someone who can handle their drink, or you have a reputation for enjoying a drink, this might be a warning sign.
You Crave Alcohol
Crave can be a misleading term. It doesn’t have to mean your mouth waters at the thought of a drink, or you’re buying alcohol to drink all at once. Craving can also be a low-level romanticization of happy hour that carries you through your day. Having a drink to unwind sometimes is ok, and shouldn’t be seen as a problem, but if you can only get through the door by thinking about the drink you’ll have later, then you have a problem on your hands.
You Get Defensive About Your Drinking
How do you react if someone suggests that you might want to take it easy, or think about quitting drinking? If you feel insulted or get defensive, then ask yourself why. If the suggestion comes from someone who cares about you and whom you respect, consider why it bothers you. Are they perhaps echoing your internal concerns and you are in fact feeling worried about your drinking and the idea of having to stop?
Drinking Is Taking A Toll On Your Health And Well-Being
Your Doctor might not bluntly tell you that you are an alcoholic, but if they start to suggest that you might want to cut back on your drinking, then this is a sign that it’s time to stop or drastically cut back. If you feel weird when you wake up without a hangover, even a mild one, then this is another sign.
If you spend all morning getting over the night before, then this is another sign that you drink too much. For those who drink moderately, hangovers should be rare, if you get them at all. If hangovers are a part of your routine, then it’s time to take a hard look at your drinking habits and start to make some changes.
Originally posted 2020-06-22 19:55:54.