No Pain No Gain…Or Is It?!
People like to say that when thinking about fitness, you can’t have gained without any pain. But there’s a right and a wrong type of pain that you will come across in your time if you do get yourself into training. Not only will you experience pain from muscle growth and body exhaustion, but you’ll also sometimes feel that searing pain when you take it just one step too far. Because sometimes, we don’t even realize how hard we’re training, and those of you who are lifting some serious weights because you’ve got into the bodybuilding side of things, really are at a higher risk. So, we want to show you what you can do to maximize recovery after every single session, prevent the onset of injury, and how to deal with an acute injury if you do get one. So keep on reading, and see if we can ease that pain for you a little.
Rest Is Vital
So when you experience that acute severe pain because something has gone wrong during one of your training sessions, you need to make sure that you’re taking all the rest that you need, after seeing a doctor of course. One of the most common injuries, especially with weightlifting, is lower back injuries. With this, your doctor might suggest that you look at canes, just to support your back whilst you’re moving, and to take some of the weight off of it. But the most important thing that you can do, is take it super easy. It might even be that you need to take a few days off sick to get your back right, and then you can slowly go back to work and get back into the gym. It might be that you’re limited to what moves you can do, something like deadlifts might need to be cut out of your routine for a long while.
Lighter Introduction Sessions
So when you do get back into the gym after an injury, it’s important to take it super easy. We would suggest doing some light cardio, and weights working in an area that isn’t going to target the injured area in the slightest. You should allow a good eight weeks before you start to lift targeting the injured area, and even then it should be the lightest that you can go. Try and bring your training regime down a bit, only for a short time. If you used to train five times a week, go three times, and slowly work your way back up to five.
The Good Pain
There are good and bad types of pain that you need to decipher between. Good pain is that ache you begin to feel the next day, and you think yes, I can deal with this. But then day two comes and you can barely walk because of that tight achy feeling. That’s a good pain that you need, and that shows you did a really good session. Try using protein and supplements to reduce the pain felt, and to promote muscle growth.