Should You Perform A Risk Assessment When You Travel? Whenever a school trip is organized, or a company books a team-building day outside of the office, the person who curates the event will have to plan a comprehensive risk assessment. This is so every risk can be accounted for or mitigated, and proof can be given that safety was a priority at all levels and stages of the trip.
You’ve most likely never been in the habit of performing a risk assessment when you go abroad. After all, you only have to look after yourself and yours, and who would you submit the document to anyway? That said, travel isn’t always equally safe for everyone. Heading along with children, the elderly, those with disabilities, or anyone who may not be perfectly able-bodied could be more exposed to risks than others, and even able-bodied individuals can put themselves in harm’s way without appropriate planning.
In this post, we’ll advocate for performing a small risk assessment whenever you travel abroad with anyone, as this might help you stay safe against genuine dangers and threats:
Managing Your, Or Your Friend’s Health Condition
If you or your friend have health conditions to manage, a little more planning can indeed be a good idea. This might involve making sure you have the right medical coverage, ensuring you’re stocked up on medicine and can properly declare that and have it accepted at customs, and that you’re not too far from emergency medical treatment as you need it. You can also craft an action plan should the medical condition flare up, or where to go to prevent being near an inaccessible area if it does.
Planning Insurance For Protection
Having insurance to hand will take care of most of the risk you could be exposed to. For example, some insurance might give you better medical care and access when abroad (perfect if you have people with medical issues to care for on the way), and may even protect you from luggage loss, canceled events, rebooked trips, and more. Depending on the level of policy you go for and who the provider is, specific coverage may be granted. We’d recommend using a proven and worthwhile platform like Generali for your best outlook. It will help you curate a healthier and more focused approach.
Specific Travel Risks & Mitigation
Depending on where you travel, the risks may be different. That’s not to say a swarm of locusts or any other horrible event will befall you, it might just be that it’s very hot year-round in a new area, and you might not be used to that at all. In this case, you might plan your journey around staying cool and being in areas with adequate air conditioning during a heatwave to avoid heatstroke. You can also ensure you have the right vaccines to prevent picking up possible infections from abroad or choose not to travel to areas with particular political turmoil. You can follow the travel advice of your nation’s international board to get a good idea of where to go.
With this advice, you’re sure to perform a risk assessment when you travel, but through a customized lens.