Understand Your Own Personal Style In The Next 10 Minutes. Some women love shopping for clothes, others hate it. The reason some women hate it is usually down to the fact that they just don’t understand their personal style. When you don’t understand your personal style, you’ll find that a number of things happen. You’ll end up with clothes that you never wear. You’ll always feel like you don’t have anything to wear, even with a bunch of clothing staring back at you. You’ll spend ages getting dressed in the morning, only to be unhappy with the way you look! If any of these resonate with you, then it’s definitely time you understood your own personal style.
Once you understand your personal style you can save time and money shopping, and feel incredible in just about everything that you wear. By reading this guide, understanding your own personal style can take just 10 minutes! Read on to find out more:
Assess Your Wardrobe
Start by assessing your current wardrobe, and be vigilant. If you don’t wear items, put them in a pile to give to charity, to a friend, or to sell. However, don’t get rid of them until you’ve defined the reasons you don’t wear them. Did the material make you itch? Were they too small? Did the color wash you out? Once you know why you didn’t wear certain items, you can avoid making the same mistakes again.
Don’t assess your wardrobe without looking at the clothing that you do wear. Look at the items you reach for the most, and figure out what it is that makes you reach for them, besides regular outfits don’t forget about your lingerie, women love to have designer bras and panties or lace panties, so buy what really fit and suit you, just don’t pile a sack of undergarments, which can be painful later while decluttering it from your wardrobe. You can learn more than you probably realize by looking at and assessing your current wardrobe, so get started right now!
Find The Right Words To Define Your Style
Find the right words to define you and your style. If you have to, then use the words that you would like to describe your future style, when you’ve finally sorted out your wardrobe! Are you a funky and comfy kind of person, somebody who likes to wear bright patterns and colors but ensures everything is comfortable and soft? Perhaps you’re a smart, bold, and tailored dresser, somebody who wears professional-looking, well-fitting clothing with a bit of an edge? Using around 3 words to help you define your style should help you when dressing and shopping. Ask yourself, does this item fit in with my definition? If not, don’t buy it as it’s unlikely you’ll wear it often!
Have A Clear-Out And Make A-List
Now that you’ve found things you don’t wear in your wardrobe, and things that don’t fit in with your new definition, you need to find a dumpster rental in your area and have a huge clear-out of all your unwanted stuff. Remember, you shouldn’t feel anything less than amazing in the clothes you wear. This means that if you have a bunch of oversized t-shirts that you wear most days, but you feel rubbish in them, you should still get rid of them. What is it that makes you reach for these t-shirts – are they helping you to hide your shape? Wearing clothing for your body shape can help you to enhance your shape and camouflage in the right places.
Once your clear-out is complete, make a list of the things you now need to include in your wardrobe. Do you need some great jeans or trousers? Fill in the gaps in your wardrobe. Remember what we said earlier about feeling amazing in everything? You should now only bring items that you fall head over heels in love with into your wardrobe. This means you need to take your time and be honest with yourself about what you love to wear.
Create A Vision Board
Create your own vision board using Pinterest, if you’d prefer an easy way to make one online, or grab a bunch of magazines and create one using these. When you make a vision board, you should be able to see clearly the items that make an appearance multiple times. Do you see patterns forming? If you do, this is a clear indication of the styles and items that you should try out.
Look For Your Signature Pieces
What would you consider to be your signature pieces in your wardrobe? Do you have a penchant for cool hats, great jackets, or tailored trousers? When you know what your signature pieces are, you can begin to play them up a little more in the way you put your outfits together.
Find ‘Your Colors’
You can wear as many or as few colors as you like. Perhaps you’re a person who prefers to dress in nothing but black. Perhaps you’re a person who likes to dress in all the colors of the rainbow. If you don’t know what colors suit you best yet, it’s time to find them! Do you prefer pastel tones or jewel tones? Figure out the color family you prefer, and then work out which colors wash you out and which make you look healthy. Out of the colors that make you look healthy, pick the ones you like the best or those you feel best in. You can use these colors to create your own personal color palette within your wardrobe!
Build Up Your Jewelry Collection
Finally, build up your jewelry collection to complement your own personal style. Costume jewelry doesn’t have to look cheap, but it’s an affordable way of bringing your outfits to life and making them look better almost instantly. Whether you add layered necklaces, lots of bangles, rings, or the whole shebang, you can create entirely different looks using the jewelry that you like. Take your time building up your collection so you have plenty to reach for when getting dressed!
Do you understand your style a little better now? Do what the guide says and you should be able to make better choices when dressing and shopping almost instantly. Have fun!