We have had a couple of Golden Retrievers that my husband has trained to duck and dove hunt. We love how smart and loving they are. About a year ago we lost our female Golden Bella. We decided then we wanted to wait before we got another one. She was so loved and it took a long time to realize we were ready for another one after she passed. Recently I saw an ad, someone had a 9-month-old Golden Retriever who they needed to find a good home for. Apparently, he was extremely hyper and had killed a couple of the family’s chickens. We decided to visit and see if my husband thought he would be a good hunting dog. Of course, he brought a dove wing that he keeps in the freezer to give him a test. He not only retrieved it but brought it right back and sat waiting for him to throw it again. The family was in awe over him doing this. They stated they never trained him to. He, Aggie, came home with us that day and the bonding began.

Here are the tips that we do to train our dogs to be amazing hunting dogs.
- Make sure they are willing to retrieve anything you throw. Regardless of their age if they are willing to retrieve is the most important factor.
- Bond with the dog, and let them know they are safe and loved.
- Teach them commands but make it fun. Make sure you have an obedient dog but keep in mind this takes time.
- Introduce them to water and how to not be afraid to get in it.
- Introduce a gun, this is very important. We play with the dog and have someone shoot far away, then closer each time. This way you don’t scare the dog when they hear or see a gun. A gun-shy dog is no good for hunting!
These are simple tips we use to develop a great hunting dog. Of course, Golden Retrievers are all-around great family pets. They are sweet with children and love everyone.