Taking care of your mind, body, and soul is the best way to achieve better health now and in the future. That’s why taking self-care seriously is so important for us all.
Not sure where to start with self-care? Check out the health-boosting practices below…
See the doctor when you need to
So many people neglect their health because they are too embarrassed to see the doctor, but whether you’re struggling to know whether you have genital warts vs herpes, you’re worried about a lump in an intimate area, or you’re experiencing mental health issues and you’re worried about the stigma, you need to bite the bullet and put your health first. Nothing else you can do in terms of self-care is going to help you as much as seeking the appropriate help of a trained medical professional.
Take sleep more seriously
If you’re the kind of person who’d rather stay up binging boxsets on Netflix than get your 8 hours of shut-eye every night, one of the best things you can do for your health right now is to take sleep more seriously.
A lack of sleep can make you stressed, depressed, overweight, and more prone to serious illnesses such as heart disease and stroke! To avoid this, and to start feeling your best, set a sensible bedtime (and wake-up time) and stick to it. If you struggle to get to sleep, spritz your pillow with lavender, drink a soothing cup of chamomile, and take a hot bath and you’ll soon find yourself drifting off.
If you are able to, you may want to indulge yourself every once in a while with a swedish massage in Lake Mary, FL (or wherever is nearest to you), so you can give your body a deep relaxation during those times where stress is taking over.
Improve your gut health
Gut health is about more than just your belly — it can lead to depression, lack of vitality, and many other poor health issues. So, if you’re serious about caring for yourself and boosting your health, start feeding your gut a healthy diet that’s high in vitamins, minerals, and good bacteria, and low in processed junk foods, right now.
Meditation is an excellent tool for anyone who is feeling mentally frazzled. A simple mindfulness practice can help you to slow down your thoughts, calm your mind and live in the moment, which means you’re less likely to ruminate on negative thoughts, and more likely to feel peace, happiness, and maybe even a spiritual connection if that’s your thing.
Spend more time in nature
One of the most beneficial things you can do for your mind, body, and soul is to spend more time in nature. Why? Because scientific studies have found that nature can reduce stress levels, boost vitamin D levels, reduce inflammation, increase happiness levels, and boost the immune system among other things. It can also make you feel more connected with the world and everything in it, which is a great way to feel better about your place in the world too.
Say No more often
So many of us are so busy that we never get any time to just relax and take care of ourselves. That’s why we should all be learning how to say no more often. What should we be saying no to? Anything that we don’t really want to do causes us more stress and anxiety than we need without benefiting us in any way. Start saying no and free up more time for the self-care that you need to be fitter, healthier, and happier — you won’t regret it.
Consider getting a pet
Pets are amazing. Not only are they great company, and oh-so-cute, but they can actually improve your health and well-being too. Dogs, in particular, have been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and ease the symptoms of various mental health issues. They also encourage you to get outside and get some fresh air, which can be a big help to your health too.
Exercise daily
Exercising each day might seem undoable if you have a lot on your plate, but actually, it will give you more time back because it will not only improve your physical and mental health, but it will increase your energy levels and boost your motivation so that you can get more done without it feeling so tough. It’ll also help to extend your life and you’ll be able to get over any mild illnesses far more easily when you’re fit and healthy too.
Taking self-care seriously isn’t an indulgence — it’s something that you must do if you want to achieve better health now and in the future. So, don’t be afraid to take more time for yourself and do whatever you need to do to feel well.
Originally posted 2020-04-02 10:49:36.