3 Vital Health Examinations You Should Have Every Year (At Least!)

3 Vital Health Examinations You Should Have Every Year (At Least!)

3 Vital Health Examinations You Should Have Every Year (At Least!). The thought of visiting a medical professional for any type of examination is scary. You’re worried about the results. Even if you feel healthy and have no concerns, you’re worried about what the examiner might find. As a result, we tend to avoid going for regular health screenings and checkups. 

Ironically, by being too scared to get health exams because you don’t want to find out if you have health problems, you will usually end up getting health problems. Exams and screenings are there to spot issues before they present themselves. Medical professionals can see the signs and symptoms of a potential health issue and provide treatment to eradicate it. Prevention is easier than finding a cure, and it’s much better to spot things before they have a chance to develop. 

With that in mind, here are some vital health examinations you should have at least once per year: 

A Full Physical Examination

Firstly, you need to have a full physical exam at least every year. This is very important when you get older – particularly if you’re a woman who’s had, children. It’s a chance for your doctor to have a look at your general health and well-being. They can run tests for your blood pressure, and heart rate, get blood tests for cholesterol, etc. This exam lets you know an overview of your current state of health and if there are things to act on or keep an eye on. 

A Hearing Test

Hearing tests will see how healthy your ears are, and if you’re suffering from hearing loss – or other relatable conditions. It’s something you only need once a year, though the frequency may increase as you get older. If you’ve never had one before, then you should undergo some hearing test preparation to ensure that you know what to do during the appointment, and what will happen. By checking for signs of hearing loss, you can take action as early as possible. This makes it more likely you can prevent the issue from getting bad enough to require hearing aids. 

A Dental Checkup

This is probably the only thing you need to do more than once a year. The reason is that your oral health can deteriorate very quickly. It takes around 48 hours for calculus to form, which leads to dental caries, fillings, and potentially some missing teeth. So, if you don’t brush your teeth for a couple of days, then you will already end up with plaque forming on your teeth! Dental exams check for things like this and ensure that any problems are dealt with before they turn into expensive and extensive procedures. Also, your dentist will check your neck for any lumps, so it’s crucial to go for that reason as well. 

I know you probably hate the thought of seeing any medical professional. You’ll make every excuse under the sun to avoid going, but the truth is that you’re scared. Don’t worry about it! The worst-case scenario is that something bad gets identified very early on, making it easier to treat. If you didn’t go to the appointment, then the problem may not have been apparent until it’s too late to treat it.

Originally posted 2020-02-28 13:43:17.

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